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Comprehensive Guide To Industrial Data Management


Effective data management enables meaningful data gathering, storage, processing, and interpretation, while also facilitating the scalability of solutions across various plant environments, business units, and production lines. These capabilities are essential for generating actionable insights, making real-time decisions, and automating business operations in line with smart manufacturing objectives.

Without a solid data management strategy, challenges arise in digital projects, including a complex network of technologies, standalone solutions difficult to integrate, poorly planned digital infrastructure, and escalating costs.

This eBook and guide focus on the topic of developing a well-thought-out data management approach and how this is crucial for the success of your organization’s smart manufacturing strategy.

Table of Contents

  • The Power of Data Management in Driving Smart Manufacturing Success

  • Identifying, Acquiring and Integrating Plant-Floor Data for Smart Manufacturing

  • Data Modeling, Contextualization and Normalization for Smart Manufacturing

  • A Comparative Analysis of Data Modeling Standards for Smart Manufacturing

  • Semantic Data Structuring with MQTT Sparkplug and Unified Namespace

  • IIoT Data Storage and Actionable Analytics Generation

  • Conclusion

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