HiveMQ: New on Docker Hub
The popularity of Docker for deploying all kinds of applications and services in a containerized environment has been increasing exponentially. That’s not surprising since orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesos keep improving functionality for running containers. The ability to integrate Docker with different cloud infrastructures (think load balancers, block storage) and enterprise grade platforms for bare metal installations makes building complex services from basic container images a breeze.
Here at HiveMQ we’re happy to announce the introduction of a continuously updated HiveMQ Docker repository on Docker Hub that can help you streamline your development and deployment efforts.
Our Docker repository will provide a single location for the container images of select past, current, and future versions of HiveMQ. You can use these images to run HiveMQ instances on the Docker daemon instance of your choice. As well as a pre built DNS discovers image that already includes the DNS discovery plugin, which is tailor made for containerized, orchestrated deployments leveraging technologies like Kubernetes.
The images adhere to all Dockerfile best practices as defined by Docker: Best practices for writing Dockerfiles and the documentation in Docker library: official images.
Base Image
Running a basic installation of the most recent HiveMQ version is now as easy as installing Docker and entering a single command:
The first time you run the command, it pulls the most recent version of HiveMQ from Docker Hub and runs it in a container. The file system and processes of the HiveMQ container are isolated from the host. You are now able to connect MQTT clients on port 1883 on your local machine and access the Web UI on
The Base Image is meant to provide a quick possibility to start a HiveMQ single node for testing purposes. You can also use this base image to build your own custom image and include any files that you need, such as:
Customized configuration files
Custom plugins and the corresponding configurations
License files
Custom entry point scripts (for configuring at start up)
DNS Discovery Image
If you want to run a containerized HiveMQ cluster, we strongly recommend using this image. It already contains the HiveMQ DNS cluster discovery plugin and is designed to be used with orchestration software that provides a Round-robin A-record DNS service.
Run a local cluster with Docker Swarm
Note that we do not recommend using Docker Swarm in production instead we recommend the use of Kubernetes.
Start a single node Swarm cluster by running:
Create an overlay network for the cluster nodes to communicate on:
Create the HiveMQ service on the network, using the lates HiveMQ DNS discovery docker image:
Example HiveMQ Service for Docker Swarm
This will provide a 3 node cluster with the MQTT(1883) and Web UI(8080) ports forwarded to the host network.
Meaning you can connect MQTT clients on port 1883. The connection will be forwarded to any of the cluster nodes.
The HiveMQ Web UI can be used in a single node cluster. A sticky session for the HTTP requests in clusters with multiple nodes cannot be upheld with this configuration, as the internal load balancer forwards requests in an alternating fashion. To enable the use of sticky sessions, the Docker Swarm Enterprise version is required.
Managing the cluster
To scale the cluster up to 5 nodes, run
To remove the cluster, run
To read the logs for all HiveMQ nodes in real time, use
To get the log for a single node, get the list of service containers using
And print the log using
where is the container ID listed in the service ps command.
Adding a HiveMQ license
To use a license with this image, you must first encode the license as a string.
And set the resulting string as the value for the HIVEMQ_LICENSE environment variable of the container.
HiveMQ and Kubernetes
We recommend running HiveMQ with Kubernetes, when running a containerized HiveMQ depoyment in production. Please refer to this detailed blog post on running a HiveMQ cluster in Kubernetes for more information.
Building a custom image
As mentioned in the overview, you can build your own image from the provided base image and utilize any of the provided HiveMQ versions. Here is an example of a Dockerfile that does all of the following:
Uses the
image as a base, with a build argument that (optionally) specifies which base tag to use.Defines an environment variable for the plugin.
Defines an environment variable that is substituted in the HiveMQ configuration file on start up. For details, see Using environment variables for configuration.
Copies required files such as a valid HiveMQ license file, a customized configuration, a custom plugin file and custom entry point to the corresponding folders and applies proper ownership inside the container.
Sets the custom entry point as executable.
Defines the entry point for the image. This definition is optional, but it allows you to run additional commands or programs (for configuration purposes) before you start the actual HiveMQ instance.
Here is one way that you can build the Dockerfile:
The result is an image built on the HiveMQ base image version 3.4.2 and the current path as the build context. The finished image is tagged locally as
Tagging and build scheme
The following tags are designed to simplify the use of the HiveMQ base image in scripts and Dockerfiles:
: This tag will always point to the latest version of the HiveMQ base image.dns-latest
: This tag will always point to the latest version of the HiveMQ DNS discovery image.{version}
: Base image providing the given version of the broker (e.g. 3.4.2)dns-{version}
: DNS discovery image providing the given version of the broker (e.g. 3.4.2)
The builds are based on the Dockerfiles defined in hivemq-docker-images.
For more information on tags and other metadata, refer to the Docker Hub page.