HiveMQ Community Edition 2021.1 is released
The HiveMQ team is pleased to announce the availability of HiveMQ CE 2021.1.
This release provides plenty of great improvements and fixes:
🌟 Features
- The retain as published subscription option is now supported for shared subscriptions
- Added option to override the default destination of automatically-generated heap dumps to facilitate troubleshooting in containerized environments
✨ Improvements
- Improved performance and memory usage, especially:
- Streamlined handling for multiple connected clients to limit memory consumption and increase performance
- Optimized message throughput for subscribers with high publication rates
- Enhanced in-memory persistence performance, including:
- Reduced GC pressure for better in-memory persistence performance
- Fewer context switches for better in-memory persistence performance
- Improved handling of shared subscriptions that have large numbers of inflight messages
- Improved scaling of clients with the same shared subscription
- Improved payload persistence
ℹ️ Misc
- Updated dependencies
You can find more information about and download the release on the GitHub release page.
You can get the new embedded API as a Maven artifact from Maven Central, JCenter, or JitPack.
Be sure to check out the project on GitHub.
We recommend this upgrade for all HiveMQ Community Edition users.
Have a great day,
Silvio from the HiveMQ Team
HiveMQ Team
The HiveMQ team loves writing about MQTT, Sparkplug, Industrial IoT, protocols, how to deploy our platform, and more. We focus on industries ranging from energy, to transportation and logistics, to automotive manufacturing. Our experts are here to help, contact us with any questions.