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HiveMQ in 2022: A year of growth and opportunity

by Christian Meinerding
8 min read

I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing holiday season. All of us at HiveMQ would like to wish our customers and partners a very Happy New Year and the best for 2022.

As I reflect on the past year at HiveMQ, it was certainly a time for growth. In 2021, we had our best year in terms of revenue growth and total number of new customers. We have also been growing the HiveMQ team. Thanks to the €9.3 million venture capital investment we received in May 2021, we are growing our R&D, Sales and Marketing and Customer support teams. We are putting in place the team to take HiveMQ to the next level of growth in 2022.

It was a busy year for our company with a number of strategic product releases.

HiveMQ Cloud LogoIn March, we launched a free version of HiveMQ Cloud that allows users to connect up to 100 devices free of charge to a managed MQTT service. This release was followed up with a Pay As You Go tier that allows up to 1000 devices and 100 GB of data for less than $115/month. The response and interest in HiveMQ Cloud has been tremendous.

HiveMQ Swarm LogoIn March, we released a new product, called HiveMQ Swarm, to help our customers with IoT testing. HiveMQ Swarm is based on customer feedback that existing testing tools did not truly reflect IoT system testing. HiveMQ Swarm is designed to simulate the capabilities and load of a real IoT system. Feedback from our customers is that Swarm is the ideal testing solution for capacity planning and stress testing that makes IoT systems more resilient.

HiveMQ LogoFinally, we released three versions of HiveMQ in 2021, HiveMQ 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 that included many features and performance improvements requested by our customers. Our open source version, HiveMQ CE, also had 3 releases in 2021 and continues to grow in popularity as an open source MQTT broker.

Looking forward to 2022

We are very excited about our plans and the industry trends we see in 2022. The growing HiveMQ team will allow us to accelerate our investment in new products and new markets.

Invest in Enterprise IoT Requirements

We will continue to invest in the requirements our enterprise customers have for deploying large scale, resilient MQTT based systems. Our customers are asking for support in deploying systems around the world that span multiple data centers, support for observability and tracing production systems, extensions and integrations with other enterprise systems and support for data governance features. We aim to begin delivering on these requirements in 2022.

Multi-Cloud is the Future for Enterprises

Many HiveMQ customers have a multi-cloud strategy that requires consistent MQTT messaging that spans different cloud platforms. We are investing our development efforts in making sure HiveMQ Cloud is the absolute best MQTT service for connecting IoT devices to any cloud platform. Our goal is to make HiveMQ Cloud accessible to anyone, from individuals to large global 500 companies.

We continue to see tremendous growth in the automotive and mobility industry. We continue to sign-up global automotive manufacturers who are deploying connected car platforms on MQTT. In the mobility industry, we welcomed Beat as a HiveMQ customer, who is the leading ride hailing service in South America.

As the telecommunications operators roll-out their 5G infrastructure, we are seeing interest from telecom operators in using HiveMQ for V2X use cases. Our collaboration with Vodafone is the initial step in providing a V2X platform to improve the overall road safety. 5G offers many opportunities for other use cases that will require an MQTT broker service.

We continue to see significant interest in MQTT and HiveMQ in the manufacturing and industrial automation industries. These industries are modernizing their infrastructure to remain competitive. A key part of the modernization is the rationalization of their data. MQTT and Sparkplug are delivering the results required for successful deployment of new IIoT systems.

Overall, in 2022 we are seeing tremendous interest across all industries for MQTT and HiveMQ. The pace of change in corporations is accelerating. MQTT and HiveMQ are very well positioned to capitalize on this change.

A Toast to Customer Success in 2022

Our customer success is absolutely critical to the success of HiveMQ. We are committed to collaborating with our customers to ensure the successful deployment of HiveMQ and your IoT system. In 2022, we are investing even more in our customer support team, professional services and introducing a new customer success team. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or require help with your IoT project.

All the best in 2022,
Christian Götz

Christian Meinerding

Christian Meinerding is the CEO and Co-founder of HiveMQ. He is leading HiveMQ with a mission to build a central nervous system to help businesses connect and manage their IoT devices and data. He is a frequent writer and a speaker at international events sharing his experience from 100+ IoT production deployments.

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