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HiveMQ - File Authentication Plugin - Available on GitHub

by HiveMQ Team
2 min read

The File Authentication Plugin is the first security plugin available as open source on GitHub.

It can be used to equip HiveMQ with the ability to allow only clients, which provide a correct username/password to connect. The credentials are read from a simple properties file.

We also open sourced the corresponding utility, which helps to manage your credential file contents. It does extract the settings from delivered with the plugin and generates, updates or deletes users accordingly. This eases usage of the plugin dramatically.

The plugin is also a perfect starting point for any other authentication plugins, because it shows the necessary callbacks and serves as good example.

Tell us if you use the file authentication plugin or if you have any suggestion for another authentication plugin, which you would like to see in the HiveMQ plugin directory.

HiveMQ Team

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