
Kubernetes Events

Events provide detailed information that helps you monitor your HiveMQ platforms on Kubernetes. Events are generated when a resource such as your HiveMQ platform changes state. Events are not persisted in Kubernetes and are typically only available for one hour.

The HiveMQ Platform Operator publishes events whenever the state of a managed HiveMQ platform changes. Events from the operator allow for effective alerting and monitoring of your HiveMQ platform operations.

To view events in Kubernetes, enter:

kubectl get events

To view events from a selected namespace sorted by the time the event was created, enter:

kubectl get events --namespace <namespace> --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp'

To view events from a HiveMQ Platform object, enter:

kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind=HiveMQPlatform
Example events from a HiveMQ Platform rolling restart:
TYPE     REASON           OBJECT                  MESSAGE
Normal   RollingRestart   hivemqplatform/hmq-pl   HiveMQ Platform is starting a surge Pod (rolling restart)
Normal   RollingRestart   hivemqplatform/hmq-pl   HiveMQ Platform is restarting Pods (rolling restart)
Normal   RollingRestart   hivemqplatform/hmq-pl   HiveMQ Platform is stopping the surge Pod (rolling restart)
Normal   Ready            hivemqplatform/hmq-pl   HiveMQ Platform is ready

Monitoring with Prometheus

The HiveMQ Platform Operator and the HiveMQ platform provide rich metrics that enable extensive monitoring of day-to-day operations. Monitoring is in fact a crucial part of observability and any production HiveMQ deployment should not be used without monitoring setup.

To visualize metrics, you can use a monitoring stack consisting of Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes. The following steps explain how to install Prometheus and Grafana and configure them for monitoring HiveMQ:

  1. Add the Prometheus community Helm charts to your local Helm repository:

    helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
  2. Create a dedicated Kubernetes namespace for monitoring:

    kubectl create namespace monitoring
  3. Install the monitoring stack into the new namespace:

    helm upgrade --install monitoring-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
  4. Create a ServiceMonitor for the operator

    Example ServiceMonitor for the operator:
    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: hivemq-platform-operator-service-monitor
        # Helm release-name of prometheus-stack
        release: monitoring-stack
          # operator pod label
          app.kubernetes.io/name: hivemq-platform-operator-<release-name>
          # namespace of the operator
          - default
        # port name of the service to scrape
        - port: http-<release-name>
          interval: 30s
          path: /q/metrics
  5. Adapt the values from the example to fit your use case and save the file as operator-service-monitor.yaml.

  6. Deploy the file to the monitoring namespace:

    kubectl apply -n monitoring -f operator-service-monitor.yaml
  7. Create a ServiceMonitor for the HiveMQ platform:

    Example ServiceMonitor configuration for the HiveMQ platform
    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
      name: hivemq-platform-service-monitor
        # Helm release-name of prometheus-stack
        release: monitoring-stack
          # HiveMQ platform pod labels
          app.kubernetes.io/name: hivemq-platform
          hivemq-platform: <release-name>
          # namespace of the HiveMQ platform
          - default
        # port name of the service to scrape
        - port: metrics-9399
          interval: 30s
  8. Adapt the values from the example to fit your use case and save the file as platform-service-monitor.yaml.

  9. Deploy the file to the monitoring namespace:

    kubectl apply -f platform-service-monitor.yaml -n monitoring
  10. Test that the Prometheus dashboard is accessible.

    kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operated 9090 -n monitoring
  11. Browse to http://localhost:9090 and view the Prometheus dashboard.

  12. Test that the Grafana dashboard is accessible.

    kubectl port-forward svc/monitoring-stack-grafana 8080:80 -n monitoring
  13. Browse to http://localhost:8080 and view the Grafana dashboard.
    The default login credentials for the Grafana dashboard are user: admin and password: prom-operator.