Advanced Installation

The HiveMQ Platform Operator and the HiveMQ Platform can be installed without Helm. Use the Kubernetes command line tool kubectl to deploy the respective manifest files for the HiveMQ Platform Operator and the HiveMQ Platform.

HiveMQ provides up-to-date manifest files for this purpose in the HiveMQ Helm chart repository. You can download the manifest files and customize them for your deployment as needed.

It is also possible to generate the default deployment manifest files with Helm with the following commands:

helm template hivemq/hivemq-platform-operator > operator-manifests.yaml
helm template hivemq/hivemq-platform > platform-manifests.yaml

Install HiveMQ Platform Operator with kubectl

The following procedure outlines how to use our default manifest files to deploy the HiveMQ Platform Operator with the Kubernetes command line tool kubectl.

  1. Install the HiveMQPlatform custom resource definition (CRD):

    kubectl apply -f
  2. Download or clone the public Helm chart repository with the manifest files:

    git clone
  3. Install the HiveMQ Platform Operator from files in the manifests/hivemq-platform-operator directory:

    kubectl apply -f ./manifests/hivemq-platform-operator -n default
    The manifest files use a default namespace because the required ServiceAccount relies on a specific namespace. Customize the manifests to use your desired namespace.

Install HiveMQ Platform with kubectl

The following procedure outlines how to use the default HiveMQ platform manifest files to deploy a HiveMQ platform with the Kubernetes command line tool kubectl.

  1. To install the HiveMQ platform from files in the manifests/hivemq-platform directory, enter:

    kubectl apply -f ./manifests/hivemq-platform -n default
  2. To test whether your HiveMQ platform is available via services for MQTT connections, see Test Your HiveMQ Platform.

    You can customize the HiveMQ platform manifest files to match your business needs. This includes changing the StatefulSet, Service objects, and the HiveMQ configuration. Be sure to align changes across all objects. For example port definitions have to be changed across all three objects. Specifically, your HiveMQ listener configuration must match your StatefulSet configuration and Service configuration.