The HiveMQ MQTT Client 1.1.2 is released

The HiveMQ MQTT Client 1.1.2 is released

author Silvio Giebl

Written by Silvio Giebl

Category: HiveMQ MQTT Client MQTT Client

Published: August 12, 2019

The HiveMQ team is pleased to announce the availability of HiveMQ MQTT Client 1.1.2.

This is a patch release for version 1.1 and comes with the following improvements:

Bug fixes

  • MQTT 3 clients do not get nested Mqtt5Exceptions anymore but Mqtt3Exceptions
  • Exceptions of async operations delivered by CompletableFuture are not wrapped in CompletionException anymore consistently


  • Enabled using the HiveMQ MQTT Client as Java module and OSGi module

You can get the new version as maven artifact via Maven Central, JCenter or JitPack.

Also check out the project on GitHub.

We recommend upgrading to this patch release for all HiveMQ MQTT Client library users.

Have a great day,

Silvio from the HiveMQ Team

author Silvio Giebl

About Silvio Giebl

Silvio Giebl is a software developer at HiveMQ and maintainer of the HiveMQ MQTT Client open-source library. He is interested in high-performance applications on the JVM and reactive programming.

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